Getting started with the nodela API


Nodela has a Restful API with URL endpoints corresponding to actions that users can perform with their channels. The endpoints accept and return JSON encoded objects. The API URL path always contains the API version in order to differentiate queries to different API versions. All queries start with: /api/<version>/ where <version> is an integer representing the current API version.

Centralized Service API

using the following api ,we can easyly get a glimps of what is going on in the blockchain.

get transaction by transaction id

check out a transaction

GET /api/1/tx/(string:`txid`)

Example request:

GET /api/1/tx/62637968e72b06e4fa1de91542a3b71bd2462ba1d29e9c14c2ecfd042d1937ab HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Status Codes:

Check the current network block height

tells you the current block height of the network

GET /api/1/currHeight

Example request:

GET /api/1/currHeight HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": 128797,
  "status": 200
Status Codes:

get the balance of address

get the balance of the provided public address

GET /api/1/balance/(string:`public_address`)

Example request:

GET /api/1/balance/EbunxcqXie6UExs5SXDbFZxr788iGGvAs9 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

Status Codes:

Get the transactions of specific height

using height to get block contained transactions

GET /api/1/txs/(int:`block_height`)

get the transactions that the user (block_height) wrote.

Example request:

GET /api/1/txs/10 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": {
      "Transactions": [
      "Height": 10,
      "Hash": "1166ae059fd6914a44edde9aa8a2765138da0ab868ddaeb51d20d21908c488da"
  "status": 200

create offline transaction

create a offline transaction utxo json data , you should sign it using private key

POST /api/1/createTx

Example request:

POST /api/1/createTx HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

      "inputs"  : ["EU3e23CtozdSvrtPzk9A1FeC9iGD896DdV"],
       "outputs" : [{
               "amt" :1000

Example response:

  HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  Content-Type: application/json

    "result": {
        "Transactions": [
                "UTXOInputs": [
                        "address": "EU3e23CtozdSvrtPzk9A1FeC9iGD896DdV",
                        "txid": "fa9bcb8b2f3a3a1e627284ad8425faf70fa64146b88a3aceac538af8bfeffd91",
                        "index": 1
                "Fee": 100,
                "Outputs": [
                        "amount": 1000,
                        "address": "EPzxJrHefvE7TCWmEGQ4rcFgxGeGBZFSHw"
                        "amount": 99997800,
                        "address": "EU3e23CtozdSvrtPzk9A1FeC9iGD896DdV"
    "status": 200

create offline cross chain transaction

create a cross chain offline transaction utxo json data , you should sign it using private key

POST /api/1/createCrossTx

Example request:

POST /api/1/createCrossTx HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": {
        "Transactions": [
                "UTXOInputs": [
                        "address": "EZEKtpUwDXyKLvq5JPRfezqA5k5G5rWa3Z",
                        "txid": "a7f06797be1d354d27173045c63426d20f9085c5a175ea5fcc38a771c7148406",
                        "index": 1
                        "address": "EbxU18T3M9ufnrkRY7NLt6sKyckDW4VAsA",
                        "txid": "9e17bb1448f5b5805c682afff28226193884e84a72d8680a35ce0fcf2ec70d97",
                        "index": 1
                "CrossChainAsset": [
                        "amount": 120001,
                        "address": "0000000000000000000000000000000000"
                "Fee": 20000,
                "Outputs": [
                        "amount": 130001,
                        "address": "XKUh4GLhFJiqAMTF6HyWQrV9pK9HcGUdfJ"
                        "amount": 34198299,
                        "address": "EZEKtpUwDXyKLvq5JPRfezqA5k5G5rWa3Z"
    "status": 200

send offline transaction

send raw transaction

POST /api/1/sendRawTx

Example request:

POST /api/1/sendRawTx HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": "1f4432635bcf8c347f2bc20b7906c8c6c195f51beb3426e5f8d6a9e4cc073cf3",
    "status": 200

get address transaction history

check transaction history of Address


this api provided by Elastos.ORG.API.Misc ,so you need to deploy it if you want to use it.

GET /api/1/history/(string:`addr`)

Example request:

GET /api/1/history/EQoascGFzdQ1rLKfNEavJKTm3hMRhBaXBT HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

GET /api/1/history/(string:`addr`)?pageSize=(int:`pageSize`)&pageNum=(int:`pageNum`)

Example request:

GET /api/1/history/EbxU18T3M9ufnrkRY7NLt6sKyckDW4VAsA?pageSize=4&pageNum=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json



get did information

check did key’s value


this api provided by Elastos.ORG.API.Misc ,so you need to deploy it if you want to use it.

GET /api/1/did/(string:`did`)/(string:`key`)

Example request:

GET /api/1/did/iYnguKQcpeVyrpN6edamSkky1brvQvCWr6/clark HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Local Service API

If you are running code locally , you can use the following API .

create a ELA wallet

generate a elastos wallet

GET /api/1/createWallet

Example request:

GET /api/1/createWallet HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Status Codes:

generate mnemonic phrases

please copy your mnemonic to somewhere safe

GET /api/1/eng/mnemonic

Example request:

GET /api/1/eng/mnemonic HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result":"obtain pill nest sample caution stone candy habit silk husband give net",
Status Codes:
GET /api/1/cn/mnemonic

Example request:

GET /api/1/cn/mnemonic HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result":"命 氨 静 粘 汤 介 璃 沟 腰 贸 里 莱",
Status Codes:

using mnemonic to retrive wallet

Get wallet of index 1

POST /api/1/hd

Example request:

POST /api/1/hd HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8090
Content-Type: application/json

      "mnemonic":"obtain pill nest sample caution stone candy habit silk husband give net",

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": {
        "privateKey": "7A87D1C43FBDF76689A5A66A369B34E92391748F64D2952BCE3E6D5E06A8D8CD",
        "publicKey": "02345363ACEA3A744DC149193171A87B6888F4CD108821CC1F9AD689CCA53489AC",
        "publicAddress": "EXoaGjh6H9afjDX7DUBY1MpsdLz4Vo16Qa"
    "status": 200

Get wallet from 1 to 10

POST /api/1/hd

Example request:

POST /api/1/hd HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8090
Content-Type: application/json

      "mnemonic":"obtain pill nest sample caution stone candy habit silk husband give net",

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": [
            "privateKey": "7A87D1C43FBDF76689A5A66A369B34E92391748F64D2952BCE3E6D5E06A8D8CD",
            "publicKey": "02345363ACEA3A744DC149193171A87B6888F4CD108821CC1F9AD689CCA53489AC",
            "publicAddress": "EXoaGjh6H9afjDX7DUBY1MpsdLz4Vo16Qa",
            "did": "iczhaJiyRj4LFsw4YT6CqtQET8mFWi29Pj"
            "privateKey": "D0E8FB87B32EC69EC8527486AF6780DB06983F395F8394372B88F9F29F738A91",
            "publicKey": "02371040B81C28B3A194826E1F8905687E06E94D5AEB1292C72051BF6ED314888D",
            "publicAddress": "EfPZc1VdGHztzeRag9ayb4MLPZA7psGuGs",
            "did": "iZ91XWKGTABjyXhZR5WrxWUCy7Xn7NvN5G"
            "privateKey": "5892859E60028872E63AEC018217F6A9A38AFC05F4FA4DB2FA2D07455B6C46E1",
            "publicKey": "0371EAD623897AEA29CBFB2ABC9A361E5862DCAEF68A265C6D4F8A506D3353CFC8",
            "publicAddress": "EPc6Mmx78YN8Mwa11qjLgSAgPjAWU7LJZu",
            "did": "idpYiBkpRb6dWxbqXZsUkshoWyJNs76wdR"
            "privateKey": "9F8A564E7CC0E4880006B8029A1FA220A60AF426D2CD90DEB52F4CCD5E89087C",
            "publicKey": "0323671B0FB55471D885300445E25893A1EF304484C73BD6F380959BF90987A0A9",
            "publicAddress": "EPgRBCe4BwNVpWFdNhLhTEebQG35b9MoFz",
            "did": "iXzouXufWtHNvi6y9HyC4iV8eapeW7TtjL"
            "privateKey": "CDA64875FED6B901595C732BD71F925C6CACF5DBC503F7C472D950975A90EF05",
            "publicKey": "027B4AEFD9208E25BD27F0416729E73187CB22B58859D40E756451D3B73079FD54",
            "publicAddress": "EKi96gzJSQj3zQ6LybXwNPmEguj66H8SjN",
            "did": "idRzqGSfQaQRA4LyjJH411DSS1VjHKW395"
            "privateKey": "1F3AE27B2E070E8A95257295FE602113D81A30B7554C3F77378A1CD04AEBBE53",
            "publicKey": "032063D96363FE153F85DCC0550C2753EEC407334DBACCDD933F3DC45CBC7BC1E0",
            "publicAddress": "EVVEw7p4wcfdXPMRzZhcD7TEGR1EXBG291",
            "did": "imcWdJX19HDpnCf6ErAaooEg9s2ibtnD3s"
            "privateKey": "9C6E82523939E11A455E2962EB0DE49211E7F4216D76836D557D9D395C59C4DB",
            "publicKey": "02622D0333371BFF4DB1512F655A22B1D8783B02E703477E35B76974EA2D9C89B9",
            "publicAddress": "EbYdmcS99kCo8D44AphCBjtE4SmGLeGsWw",
            "did": "iddpXhK28cvrLGNsbSzP78SkCz14gC1mHY"
            "privateKey": "8A69ADD6A8534C2E7D52067D8929D65354F8D218EE0FF1FA1C631A334821E85E",
            "publicKey": "024A4751A73AA5E186D83C171449FB8AF699C6EE0BC24DB34B85EEF5FA6EEDBD27",
            "publicAddress": "EcBVvLx31eN69KS3oWNLxxdaGK2UKUxg3g",
            "did": "iqAakUhsWoRALTF1jeMxDTu4MEqLiRGZDt"
            "privateKey": "4E2C9E4C320AF08C943AADA5BC9106E053DFD2AFC8A3F229213DB6BE36DB71D8",
            "publicKey": "0354674BFA392313760DD66936A2BEC9CDD8DA7AB264D920FC4AF0B14704646BA5",
            "publicAddress": "EPbCbYYCwbyxFQgU9XNAWwAFRbcJtDC7Tt",
            "did": "ijVq9RQveWNeTSDFkjMwL5ksCaSuqCNsoJ"
            "privateKey": "31E5DB750E2BAC324A0C7F59B2BAB9C574232B811F7A4650352AAD31A3C2A941",
            "publicKey": "036A2ED5B9F57636460B4CB38A6103E03A08F8A6E5B4F0326CD303B6407E7CC303",
            "publicAddress": "ESzmxv7R4Tkt1SakscXR1yxTYtPwuXtvZP",
            "did": "iopfp7FCQ9123MXHd4jxM4hRiwxmMxyhKj"
    "status": 200

Create DID

create a did with the correspond private key.

GET /api/1/gen/did

Example Request:

GET /api/1/gen/did HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json


Retrive DID

using private key to retrive did .

GET /api/1/did/(string:`private_key`)

Example Request:

GET /api/1/did/6E228664BE94833BB18DF6C66BE09173A8F42856E27CCF3DDEADE5785C16FDF7 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "result": "iXMBmDBXtqTEyiKEVga9dUNqhJBvE74Ln9",
  "status": 200

Set DID information

setting information into did. the first private key is used to pay the miner fee. the second private key is the private key of did ,used to sign the info. and we give the recommended format to write a did property. the first Status is the status of the did , it can be 1 or 0 ,0 stand for discard the DID, 1 stand for DID status normal ,the second Status is the did key status , it also can be 1 or 0 , 0 stand for discard the DID key , 1 stand for Did key status normal

POST /api/1/setDidInfo

Example Request:

POST /api/1/setDidInfo HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

                      "Tag":"DID Property",
                      "Properties": [
                              "Status": 1

Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": "1170c18870d2547207b85bd9859dc97886ca8f570399da0bcfb40a0bdc2a1b20",
    "status": 200

transfer DID asset using private key

using private key to send transaction

POST /api/1/did/transfer

Example request:

POST /api/1/did/transfer HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": "EB291AA789D542ECE75BCF806A375BD905EDD150046FF52D51DF7D149E37FFF5",
    "status": 200

Sidechain to Mainchain transfer

using this api you can transfer money from did sidechain to main chain.

POST /api/1/cross/d2m/transfer

Example Request:

POST /api/1/cross/d2m/transfer HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost


Example Response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": "3CDEB61D4CC4541591CDE4B15EB391385715C713D6709FE84381481558C2B69A",
    "status": 200

Signing message using private key

POST /api/1/sign

Example request:

POST /api/1/sign HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8090
Content-Type: application/json


Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": {
        "msg": "E4BDA0E5A5BDEFBC8CE4B896E7958C",
        "pub": "02C3F59F337814C6715BBE684EC525B9A3CFCE55D9DEEC53E1EDDB0B352DBB4A54",
        "sig": "E6BB279CBD4727B41F2AA8B18E99B3F99DECBB8737D284FFDD408B356C912EE21AD478BCC0ABD65246938F17DDE64258FD8A9684C0649B23AE1318F7B9CEEEC7"
    "status": 200

verify message signed by a public address’s private key

POST /api/1/verify

Example request:

POST /api/1/verify HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Content-Type: application/json

      "msg": "E4BDA0E5A5BDEFBC8CE4B896E7958D",
      "pub": "02C3F59F337814C6715BBE684EC525B9A3CFCE55D9DEEC53E1EDDB0B352DBB4A54",
      "sig": "E6BB279CBD4727B41F2AA8B18E99B3F99DECBB8737D284FFDD408B356C912EE21AD478BCC0ABD65246938F17DDE64258FD8A9684C0649B23AE1318F7B9CEEEC7"

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Vary: Accept
Content-Type: application/json

    "result": true,
    "status": 200